The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), found in Section 552 of Title 5 of the United States Code, was enacted by Congress to provide the public with access to certain federal records. The Act requires federal agencies to produce government records in response to requests from the public, provided that the records are not exempt from disclosure by the FOIA.

The Export Import Bank, like all federal agencies, charges for processing FOIA requests. Much of the information typically sought by FOIA requesters is available free of charge on this website. EXIM Bank encourages all prospective FOIA requesters to thoroughly search this website prior to submission of a FOIA request.

EXIM Bank Transaction Participant Notice

Due to the high volume of Bank transactions and number of participants, EXIM Bank has determined that it would be unduly burdensome to review transaction participant information, such as street addresses and phone numbers, in order to discern if the provided information is personal information that would be protected under FOIA Exemption 6. The Bank has a high volume of small business participants who may use their personal information in the company fields. As such, the Bank will not publicly disclose participant street addresses and phone numbers.


Frequently Requested Records and Proactive Disclosures


OfficeFile CabinetRecord Description
Department of JusticeDepartment of Justice FOIA and Privacy Reference MaterialGeneral and current FOIA reference and training material.
FOIA OfficeEXIM Bank FOIA Regulations- eCFREXIM Bank FOIA Procedures
Office of Ethics PoliciesPolicy of Outside EmploymentWritten policy governing outside employment for EXIM employees.
Public and Confidential Financial Disclosure ReportingWritten policy governing public and confidential financial disclosure reporting and review.
EXIM Code of Business Conduct and EthicsOutline of EXIM policies, applicable laws and regulations and the goals and expectations for conduct of directors, officers, and employees of EXIM. 
Financial Conflicts of Interest PolicyEXIM Bank procedures for addressing and resolving personal financial conflicts of interest.
Office of the Chief Management OfficerEXIM Bank Travel PolicyEXIM Bank procedures for official government business travel.
Office of Human CapitalAnti-Harassment PolicyEXIM Bank anti-harassment in the workplace policy.
Engineering and EnvironmentEnvironmental And Social Due Diligence Procedures and GuidelinesEnvironmental procedures and Guidelines.
EXIM BankPoliciesPolices and Guidelines


OfficeFile CabinetRecord Description
Office of EthicsEthical Insights Newsletter, Vol.4, No. 1, January 19, 2022.In this issue: Including Life Events into Financial Disclosure
Ethical Insights Newsletter, Vol.5, No. 2, February 15, 2022.In this Issue: Presidents and the Ethics Rules
Ethical Insights Newsletter, Vol.5, No. 3, March 16, 2022.In this Issue: Up, Up, and Away
Ethical Insights Newsletter, Vol.5, No. 4, April 18, 2022.In this Issue: Form 278e Points of Confusion and How to Solve Them!
Ethical Insights Newsletter, Vol.5, No. 5, May 12, 2022.In this Issue: En Garde! Staying Vigilant Over the Hatch Act and Political Activity
Ethical Insights Newsletter, Vol.5, No. 6, June 16, 2022.In this Issue: Rules of Engagement


File CabinetRecord Description
Africa ReportsReports on the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Sub-Saharan Africa and Power projects in Africa.
Chief FOIA Officer ReportsEXIM Bank’s outline of how it administers its FOIA program.
Competitiveness Reports to CongressReport to Congress on Global Export Credit Competition
Congressional Budget JustificationsBudget overview and request.
Country Limitation ScheduleList of special Conditions pertaining to               
EXIM loan & guarantee programs,               
export credit insurance,               
and working capital guarantee program by country.
Default Rate ReportEXIM’s quarterly reports to Congress regarding its default rate.
EXIM Annual Performance Plans and Other ReportsEXIM’s Annual Performance Plan for GPRA annual planning.
EXIM Bank Annual ReportsManagement Reports, Annual Reports, Customer Survey Results and Reports.
FOIA Annual ReportsReport contains statistics on the number of requests received and processed by EXIM Bank.
FOIA Quarterly ReportsReport contains the number of requests received, processed and EXIM Bank’s backlog for each quarter.
Poorest CountriesList of poorest countries.
OIG Reports & TestimoniesOIG Audit Reports, Inspection, Evaluations & Special Reports, Investigation Reports, Semiannual Reports to Congress, and Congressional Testimony.


File CabinetRecord Description
EXIM Bank FFATAFederal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act transaction information on
EXIM Bank Exporter MapUSA Export Data from FY 2014- 2023
Quarterly Deal DataAuthorizations from 10/01/2006 Thru 12/31/2023


File CabinetRecord Description
Sponsor-Paid TravelBrown Bag Lunch Presentation, overview of gifts and payments of expenses by non-federal sources. 
The Hatch ActBrown Bag Lunch Presentation, overview of the Hatch Act that governs political activity of federal civilian executive branch employees. 
Excerpts from DOD’s “Encyclopedia of Ethical Failures”Brown Bag Lunch Presentation, examples of ethics failures. 
Conflicts of InterestBrown Bag Lunch Presentation, overview of the Federal Conflicts of Interests Rules
NepotismBrown Bag Lunch Presentation, preventing nepotism in the federal workplace. 
Social MediaBrown Bag Lunch Presentation, ethics, and social media in the federal workplace. 
Outside ActivitiesBrown Bag Lunch Presentation, overview of paid and unpaid employment outside of EXIM Bank with examples. 
Widely Attended Gatherings (WAGS)Brown Bag Lunch Presentation, overview of the WAG rules. 


File CabinetRecord Description
Advisory Committee TranscriptsTranscripts of Advisory Committee Meetings.
Environmental Category A Project Approved TransactionsEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessment and other Environmental and Social Information provided by the borrower on projects that have been approved for financing.
EXIM ArchivesEXIM Archives New Releases.
FOIA Reading Room CertificationDOJ FOIA Reading Room Certification
Congressional Log 2007-2019List of congressional correspondence from January 2007-September 2019.
EXIM FOIA LogList of FOIA Request from FY 2017-2024.
Landing Team DocumentEXIM in Transition 2016
Minutes of the Board of Directors and Credit CommitteeEXIM Board Meeting Agenda
Pending Environmental ProjectsAll pending projects required by EXIM to produce environmental and social information.
Review of FOIA Operations & Plan for Improvement of Agency Performance, June 14, 2006Review of FOIA operations per the Executive Order 13392.
Speeches, Remarks or TestimonyPrepared remarks, speeches & testimonies, and updates.

Please direct all FOIA questions to Lennell Jackson at (202) 565-3290 or send an e-mail to